You mean they were right there?!
Brian had just written a beautiful story full of mystery, intrigue, and another word. As he was about to publish, he realized that blogger was going to post this on his Society Sucks blog. This blog was a testament of the times(actually, considering he only posted to it once, it is more of a testament to a time). But alas, it was a political blog, and this post had nothing to do with politics, unless you count buying D list celebrities political. Which he doesn't. "UGG! THAT BITCH" Katie screeched. Aparently some poor waitress had the undesirable opportunity to answer one of Katie's question. "'No we do not take reservations on the weekend!' Such an attitude! Now I'm all frustrated!" Brian went back to his typing. He had just narrowly averted publishing a post on his political blog that he never uses. He decided that it would be fun to go there for old times sake, but he would find would be shocking... "EGADS!" Brian said. "All my old blog posts!" |
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