A new boss in town...
"Hey, you!" Kylee looked up from trying to figure out what to write in Brian's blog. He'd left her in charge, saying only that "he would be away," and leaving no explicit instructions. It was Stoo, Brian's invisible friend! "Er, hi," she offered cautiously. Brian had neglected to warn her about invisible characters randomly showing up to bug her. "You must be Kylee." "I am," she confirmed. "But Brian usually calls me Kyleekins, for reasons best known to himself." Stoo grunted unhappily. "I was rather hoping Brian would let me take care of his blog while he was gone," he fumed. "I mean, just because I have no physical body doesn't mean I can't enter cyberspace through my own questionable means and twiddle with the intangibles! But no, he leaves YOU in charge! All YOU know is lyrics to unspeakably filthy songs!" "I don't know any... wait, are you talking about the llama song?" "You sick, sick woman," Stoo accused. "You ought to be locked up for using language like that." Kylee frowned thoughtfully. "You know what? I'm going to kill Brian when he gets back. Kill him, and then kick his sorry whoop at chess." "Why?" Stoo wanted to know. "You could just hire Olivio to kick his sorry whoop." "No, that wouldn't work. She would just ignore it completely and hire somebody else to kick his sorry whoop. She is a lawyer, you know, with a whoop-kicking-lawyer jacket to prove it," she pointed out. "By the way..." "Wh--" Kylee started, just as she was attacked by a cat, who joyously began to chew on her long hairs. "I was going to warn you, but I thought it would be more fun to watch." Stoo would have giggled here, but being the stoic non-giggling type, he refrained. "That's it! Brian can do his own stupid blog! I refuse to put up with invisible friends, rabid cats, and this isn't even my blog!!!" "Bobber's not rabid" Kylee shot both Stoo and Bobber a glare, included LC for good measure, and stalked away. |
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